ok now 1:18am.. standard still doing fyp, listen music and my bro, Along, snoring.. Nice U... very synchronize with my song, Grease... haha...
So, fyp.. almost done.. just wait for linqing for this codes and the scary part nobody do the upload which i suppose too.. haiz.. k i will do after this..
Now about my life.. I am happy mood nowadays... Know why..? I found someone who I love.. haha.. I know sound weird.. I dunno.. This is still keep secret.. who is she.. but sooner or later, I will tell.. Now I was soooooooo in love with her.. I mean it from bottom of my heart...
Ok till here.. my plan to bring her out tomoro and buy something for her.. hope she can make it as she sick right now... and I dun want to force her of coz.. till here..
As my post about haziqah.. just forget it.. Take it as my feeling only and I know I wont get her anyway... So, Iqah I'm sorry...